Escape the Ayuwoki Horror Game Play Online

Jump scare horror titles never get old. In fact, these games work best for everyone – a strike of adrenaline and fear is unavoidable even if you are a profound horror-player with nerves made of steel. Try to stay calm when you know that something freaky is up to happen and you can feel it on the level of your spine. At one fine moment this happens – some creepy monster, zombie or vampire shows up all in a sudden, despite the fact that you have been expecting for him to come all the time. This is how jumps scare games keep the strain – you know that something creepy is waiting for you, but you never know when you will face it. Then it appears right in front of you. We guess, sometimes, everyone need a nice and thrilling jump scare. It is even better when you can have it in a game with perfect atmosphere that broods above your head like a heavy ominous cloud. Escape the Ayuwoki deals with this task perfectly.

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So, what do we have here? Your story begins in a dark mansion, where you are locked. Gladly, there is a key that opens the main door and it is somewhere in the rooms and corridors of the building. So you have a nice chance to find it and run away. However, everything is not that nice and easy here. Leaving a mansion is just half the battle, because your main task is to run away from an evil creature named Ayuwoki. He looks very much like a famous pop-singer Michael Jackson (don’t ask). However, is not going to sing song and do that charming moonwalk. Instead, he will try to kill you. Ayuwoki moves as fast as a lightening, so do everything to stay invisible for him. Once he sees you, the troubles are unavoidable. You need to run as fast as possible and find a shelter somewhere in the house. Hide in any niche that seems suitable, be it a chair or a table. Just don’t forget that your flashlight can bring Ayuwoki right in front of you, so don’t forget to turn it off once you are hunted. The main issue here is that the speed of Ayuwoki is incredible, so hiding from him after he sees you is almost impossible. If you are lucky enough to find yourself somewhere not far from a potential shelter – prey to the gods and be thankful. We bet that you will get really angry after getting caught by Ayuwoki for a couple of times before you find your playing strategy. However, don’t get too frustrated – you will have to start the process all over again, but it is totally worth it.

As we have already said, your aim is a key that opens the main gate. The key is red just like the gate, so you know what you are looking for. Of course, Ayuwoki will prevent you from finding what you need, but you need to focus on these two tasks and do your best to balance them in the best way you can. Unfortunately, you cannot fight the demon and there are no weapons here to be found. When you are noticed, you are most likely to get killed. By the way, Ayuwoki seems to be a very violent creature, because the game is full of shocking bloody content (not recommended to young children and people with sensitive psychics). Maybe, this is not a title for everyone, but it really is incredibly terrifying. So if you want to have a nice thrill, then you should try it out for sure. The gloomy atmosphere, freaky graphics, and spooky main character won’t leave you indifferent. This is a perfect thriller that features a number of truly unique and interesting elements that are worth of attention of every horror lover. Despite the fact that the title is pretty difficult, you can make it even more difficult by enabling the microphone on your notebook or webcam. This will let Ayuwoki hear your movements. We mean, real you, not only your character in the game. Those who like playing horror games all alone in a dark room at night, will surely see the true value in such an idea.